Embark on an enchanting journey with Dorothy as she leads her loyal companions—the witty scarecrow, the timid lion, and the compassionate tin man—through a magical land in search of the all-powerful Wizard of Oz. Together, they face the determined and wicked Witch of the West, who will stop at nothing to thwart their mission. Will the bonds of friendship overcome the forces of darkness? The performances, lasting approximately 110 minutes with a 20-minute interval, offer a captivating experience suitable for ages 4 and above. Please bring your own low-backed chairs or rugs for seating. Even in wet weather, the show must go on, so come prepared. Feel free to bring your own picnics and refreshments to enhance your enjoyment. If you have any access-related inquiries, please contact the venue directly. Children under 3 can attend for free, and all tickets are non-refundable. Unfortunately, dogs are not allowed at the event. For more information about assistance dogs, kindly reach out to the venue directly. Secure your tickets now at https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/whats-on/ipswich/alton-water/the-wizard-of-oz/e-kekpla. Adults £11 Kids £9