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Celebrate May Day at Kentwell Hall , where you will witness this family event featuring living history, costumed characters, music, and plays! The costumed volunteers will transport you back to the 16th century, where you can witness the traditional May Day festivities such as choosing a May Queen, garland decorations, noisy processions, dancing, and plays featuring St. George against various foes. You can participate in the activities, or simply watch and enjoy the down-to-earth pantomime-style performances. Against the backdrop of everyday Tudor life, these 100 Living Historians will bring the era to life, portraying workers, villagers, cooks, crafters, and even gentry folk. The event runs from April 29th to May 1st, with opening times from 11:00 to 17:00. The house is open as part of the event, with opening times from 12:00 to 16:00. Entrance to the house (only the parts used for the event) and gardens are included in the ticket price. The gardens are rich in spring bulbs and blossom, and on the farm, this year's lambs will be gambolling in the paddocks. Don't let the weather deter you, as all activities will continue rain or shine, just as they did in Tudor times. So go and join for a fun-filled and educational family weekend! Tickets can be purchased on their website.

  • Date:29/04/2023 11:00 AM
  • Location Kentwell Hall, Long Melford, Sudbury, UK (Map)