James Hunt Fisheries, the secret Gem.

Now that summer ( not that you would notice) is upon us, its the chance for you all to rekindle, or discover if you have never known about this wonderful fish and seafood shack situated in the old Felixstowe Ferry. Run by a friendly young chap, funnily enough called James! Not only are his fish very competitive ( if not cheaper than most!) they are also incredible quality, and dare i say, when i met James i found that he appeared to talk about the fish as though they were his best friends. ( despite the fact of course that the various and huge selection that he was about to eat!)

After moving to Suffolk myself, this shack reminded me of several over-priced venues I had known in Whistable, so it was a brilliant find for me to have a cheaper version that laid directly on a beach and on top of that my son got to go crabbing.... for hours. 

So do go and have a chat and a look at this fantastic place, and i can guarantee you that you will leave with your purse still full and your mouth watering.

You  will find him on Ferry Road, Felixstowe ferry ip11 9rz