Founded in 2016 by a passionate group of Ipswich residents, Magpie Performers is a drama group dedicated to inclusivity and creating a welcoming environment for all theatre enthusiasts. Whether you love being on stage or prefer working behind the scenes, Magpie Performers Theatre Workshop invites you to join them this summer.Throughout the week, you'll engage in a variety of theatre activities, including singing, dancing, and acting. The workshop will culminate in a thrilling group performance on Saturday, presented to a live audience. It doesn't matter if you're a seasoned theatre professional or if this will be your first time stepping onto the stage—Magpie Performers Theatre Workshop is the ideal place for anyone between the ages of 8 and 18 who has a passion for singing, dancing, and acting. Magpie Performers believes that being part of a community shouldn't be limited by financial circumstances, physical abilities, or background. They strive to ensure that everyone who wants to join can be part of the fun and experience the magic of theatre. To apply or get more information head for the website